Friday, September 27, 2013

TCG Used Transform

Hey trainers!  The Top Cut, an amazing organization dedicated to the Pokémon TCG, just released some shocking information that the Pokémon Company released in Japan. The Text showed how the TCG will be changing drastically with the introduction of the X and Y sets! So today I’m going to go over them and say how I think it will affect the game as a whole, and the current Meta.

Turn One Changes:

            That’s right trainers; the rule of not being able to attack turn one is back! This will drastically change the game in a format where almost all top decks aside from Blastoise/Keldeo, take huge advantage attacking turn one. While before the game used to rely heavily on setting up different Pokémon to then make big moves later, we’ve drifted to a game where everyone utilizes big basic attackers to hit right away. Overall this rule while drastic has been taken very positively and seems to be supported.

Turn One Frost Spear GG!
Turn One Affects On The Meta:

            This change will not only affect how decks function but the use of single cards as well. I believe with this change, Tropical beach will now be more useful then ever. Before while only setup decks could make the most use of giving up your first turn attack, now that its mandatory Tropical Beach becomes your best option. I hate to even think about it but the card will probably again rise in price.

Worth the Price

            As far as individual decks go, Plasma is most affected. Whether its Frost Spearing and opponent turn one, or throwing a Raiden Knuckle to help accelerate your energy, turn one is extremely beneficial to Plasma. I fear any variant of the deck will now be to slow to keep up not being able to attack with anything significant till turn two or three provided whether they go first or second. Along with cards such as Drifblim DRX ,PLB, and Enhanced Hammer playing Plasma seems to be a bigger risk.   

 Pokémon Catcher:

            Since its debut in Emerging Powers fans have debated whether this card is too powerful for the game or not. Being able to promote any Pokémon on the field unlocks countless possibilities within the game and has been staple since its release. Whether you like the card or not to be competitive you pretty much have to run the card, until now perhaps. While I admit my knowledge of the game does not go far back enough to recall a change like this ever being made, so I am not positive how this will happen. However, according to The Top Cuts translation, Catcher will now require a successful coin flip to use.

I'll Catcher the Pokemon that Can't retreat and pass... 

Affects Catcher Will Have On The Meta:

Its too early to see whether in this format running such a high count of an inconsistent card will be popular, although when it was in rotation Pokémon reversal (A card with the same Use) was very popular. Before making that prediction though you have to consider that this Meta Game is very different then back when Reversal was legal. I feel decks like Darkrai/Garbodor, will not only be much better due to being able to play Catcher more often via Junk Hunt, but also because many decks will scrap catcher for more consistent cards and have trouble targeting Garbodor. Players will have to make a tough choice whether the space is worth it, or to give up on Catcher completely. 

Since we still do have some time left before these changes are made. I suggest having as much fun as possible during the upcoming Regional tournaments! Who knows whether you’ll ever be able to attack turn one or use a card like Catcher again, so have fun and make the most of it!

That’s it for today Trainers, To Be Continued!

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