Saturday, September 14, 2013

A Wild Blog Appeared!

 Hey everyone, my name is Spencer Trippi, and I’m a longtime fan of everything Pokémon. With all kinds of new reveals, from the new video games X and Y, set to release early October, and the upcoming Trading Card Game season, I can’t think of a better time to start a blog. My goal is to give my thoughts, and get insight from others on all Pokémon related news! So if this interests you, make sure to stock up on Poké Balls and Potions, and follow me!

X and Y Pokémon Revealed!

                In the latest Issue of CoroCoro, several new Pokémon have been revealed! While some people have shown some distaste with a few of them, personally I didn’t find any too upsetting, and am excited to see them in action. Below are the stage one forms of Froakie, Fennekin, and Chespin, which have been given the official U.S. names of; Braixen, Quilladen, Frogadier.

Starter Evolutions: 

The reveal of these images shocked many, as most were expecting to finally see the stage two forms of Froakie, Chespin, and Fennekin, and were surprised to see that they chose to instead release the stage one images. These actually do tell us a great deal of information however!


For starters, Fennekin’s evolved form Braixen, is now seen standing on two legs, instead of four. This most likely being Nintendo’s way to increase differences between it and Ninetailes, another Fire Fox. While it does a good job in doing so, it also raised questions as to what type the Pokémon would be, many feared the transition to two legs was to insist it would, like many other Fire type starters, gain a fighting type upon evolution. This luckily is not so, along with the new image, learnable moves were also released including; Psychic, Psybeam, and Psyshock, clearly indicating what fans have been hoping for, a secondary Psychic type! Also it has been noted that what seems to be a wooden stick emerging from his tail appears to be a broom. This would further suggest a witchlike persona, and further support the Psychic typing.


 Next, the evolution of Froakie, Frogadier I believe is a solid concept. It would appear that the more slim body would suggest that its final form will have a more lengthy trim appearance, as opposed to the stout larger appearance many fans, myself included, were hoping for. Still, while its appearance doesn’t change too much, like most stage one’s in the past, it’s the best of the bunch if you ask me.


Lastly Chespin’s stage one evolution Quilladin, has caused the most discussion, and is why I saved it for last. I personally have no problem with it; while I admit besides a new shape it only has minute changes. I will agree with those who dislike it, that it is my least favorite of the three, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have potential. I know that some of my favorite starters from the last two generations have had very unappealing stage one’s. Prinplup and Pignite both have very little going for them, but end up looking fantastic during their final form. So while it’s easy to judge right now, Pokémon hasn’t let us down yet so don’t be too worried!
That's it for today trainers, To Be Continued!

**Make sure to tune in next week for more posts!

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